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Beetle Control Services In Central Wisconsin

What you need to know

  • beetles are common pests of fabrics.

  • Adult beetles do not damage fabrics. They feed outdoors on pollen or not at all.

  • It is the larva or immature stage of these insects that cause damage to fabrics, fur, feathers, or virtually anything made of animal fibers.

  • The adults fly and some are attracted to lights and windows, making them more conspicuous in homes than the larvae.

  • The adult female beetles lay eggs in woolen goods, cracks, and other concealed places.

Adult Beetles

  • There are several different types of beetles that may be found in homes, but the two most common are the varied beetle and the black beetle.

  • The varied beetle adult is small (2-3 mm), oval to round, with splotches of white and yellow, appearing to have a gray calico pattern. The larva is tear-drop shaped and is covered with rows of light brown hairs. The varied beetle larva is primarily a scavenger. It often goes unnoticed behind furniture or along baseboards where it feeds on such things as accumulated lint, pet hair, food crumbs, dead insects, and other organic debris.

  • The black beetle adult is larger, a solid dark brown or dull black color, and shaped more like a long oval than the varied beetle (photo at top of page). 

  • Immature beetle larvae feed on dried animal products like wool, felt, hair, fur, feathers, dead animals, stuffed trophy heads, etc.

  • They do not feed on clean synthetic or man-made fabrics but they can be found feeding in wool-synthetic blends or on synthetic fabrics stained with urine or sweat.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the most common types of beetles that can be found in my home?

Common types of beetles found in homes include carpet beetles, pantry beetles, and powderpost beetles.

Are beetles dangerous to humans?

While most beetles are not harmful to humans, some species such as blister beetles can secrete a toxic chemical when threatened.

What are the most effective treatments for eliminating beetles?

Effective beetle treatments may include using insecticide sprays or dusts, as well as vacuuming and removing any infested items from your home. It’s best to consult with a pest control professional for the most effective treatment plan.

How can I prevent beetles from entering my home?

To prevent beetles from entering your home, keep food in sealed containers, regularly clean and vacuum your home, and seal any cracks or gaps in walls and floors.

Beetle Larve

  • The varied beetle larva is tear-drop shaped and is covered with rows of light brown hairs. It is primarily a scavenger. It often goes unnoticed behind furniture or along baseboards where it feeds on such things as accumulated lint, pet hair, food crumbs, dead insects, and other organic debris.

  • The black beetle larva is 3-7 mm long and carrot-shaped. It is covered with golden brown hairs and has a characteristic “tail” of long hairs at the rear end.

  • Beetle larvae are repelled by light and tend to burrow deep into wool, upholstery, or other materials to feed.

  • Beetle larvae can crawl from place to place but are usually found in concealed locations along baseboards, under large pieces of furniture, or in little-used drawers or storage areas. These larvae are oval to cigar-shaped and densely covered with yellow-orange or light brown hairs.

  • To grow they molt or shed their skins. In heavy infestations, these light-colored shed skins may be seen in the infested material.


Beetle larvae cause damage by feeding on a variety of dead animals and animal products such as wool, silk, leather, fur, hair brushes with natural bristles, pet hair, and feathers; occasionally they feed on stored products such as certain spices and grains. They don’t feed on synthetic fibers. Most of the larval feeding activities occur in dark, undisturbed locations.

It’s not always possible to tell from damage whether clothes moths or carpet beetles caused it, but in general carpet beetles are more likely to damage a large area on one portion of a garment or carpet while moth damage more often appears as scattered holes. Also, carpet beetle larvae leave brown, shell-like, bristly-looking cast skins when they molt. These skins and a lack of webbing are usually good clues that carpet beetles are the culprits.

Sometimes felts and hammers in pianos become infested and so badly damaged that it affects the tone and action of the instrument. Contact a piano technician, who might recommend synthetic felt replacements.


Beetles are among the most difficult indoor pests to control because they can find food in obscure places and disperse widely throughout a building. Successful control depends on a combination of sanitation, exclusion, and a chemical barrier to prevent new infestations. 

Beetles frequently fly into homes from flowers in the landscape. A few adult beetles indoors should not be cause for alarm. Management only needs to occur if you find larvae developing in fabrics or other areas in your home.

When Beetles threaten products in commercial warehouses or storage areas, a monitoring program using sticky traps baited with an appropriate pheromone (a chemical attractant an organism produces to attract others of the same species) is recommended.

Sticky traps can also be used in homes where infestations are serious. Traps placed throughout a building can show where beetles are coming from. The traps are also useful for monitoring the effectiveness of control practices.