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Mole Control In Central Wisconsin

Moles Removal Service

Moles are small, burrowing animals that can cause a lot of damage to your yard. They tunnel through the ground in search of food, and their constantly digging can destroy your lawn. In addition, they can create trip hazards by leaving raised ridges of dirt in their wake. If you’re dealing with a mole problem, 1st Choice Pest Control can help. We’re a mole removal company that specializes in getting rid of these pesky critters. We’ll inspect your property to find the source of the problem and then put together a customized mole control plan. We’ll work diligently to get rid of the it and prevent them from coming back. Contact us today to learn more about our mole control services.

1st Choice Pest Control is the mole removal company you can trust! We have years of experience in removing moles from properties just like yours. Our mole control methods are effective and humane, and we will work diligently to rid your property of these pests. Trust 1st Choice Pest Control to get the job done right – call us today!

Some of the most common sings you have a mole problem 

  • Loose, squishy soil
  • Dead or discolored grass
  • Raised mounds of dirt 
  • Abundance of weeds 

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the signs of a mole infestation?

Signs of a mole infestation may include seeing molehills or ridges in your lawn or garden, noticing damage to plant roots, and hearing scratching or digging sounds.

How do moles enter my property?

Moles can enter your property through small cracks or gaps in fences or walls, as well as underground tunnels.

What are the most effective treatments for eliminating moles?

Effective mole treatments may include using traps or baits, as well as removing any food sources such as grubs or insects. It’s best to consult with a pest control professional for the most effective treatment plan.

How can I prevent moles from entering my property?

To prevent moles from entering your property, seal any cracks or gaps in fences or walls, remove any food sources such as grubs or insects, and keep your lawn and garden well-maintained.