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bed bugs

5 Signs You Might Have Bed Bugs

5 Clear Indicators That You Could Be Dealing with a Bed Bugs Infestation in Your Home

There’s nothing worse than discovering you might have bed bugs, whether you live at home or in a flat. If the infestation is confirmed, removing it can be a lengthy and difficult process. This is why I created a guide on how to detect early symptoms of bed bugs in your residence. I’ll explain the early warning signs, how to get rid of bed bugs, and respond to some frequently asked queries. 


Bed Bugs are tiny, roundish, reddish-brown insects that feed on either human or animal blood. Adult bed bugs are approximately the size of an apple seed, with flat bodies. However, after feeding, their bodies swell and turn a reddish color. Although bedbugs cannot fly, they can move quickly across floors, walls, and ceilings. Throughout a lifetime, female bed bugs can lay hundreds of eggs, each about the size of a speck of dust.


I should emphasize that the most effective way to completely remove bed bugs from your home is to contact your local pest control company and have the infestation removed by professionals. This article is primarily intended to assist you in identifying them. 


1- Itchy Red Spots

The most visible symbol of a bed bug infestation may be noticed on your skin. Bed bug bites are usually smaller and red, with an itchy sensation. In addition, the bite may become inflamed. However, not everyone reacts to bed bug bites with a red spot or itchy area.


Simply put, bed bugs require food. And, unfortunately, you are the main course.

Bed bug bites will cause small, itchy red welts on your skin. Many insects can bite you during the night, but a series of three or four welts in a row is a common indicator that a bed bug has bitten you. Bed bug bites will also cause different reactions in different people. Some people may not notice the welts, while others may find them irritating. Hives or a general allergic reaction are two severe reactions to bed bug bites.


2- Stain On Sheet

Bloodstains on your sheets are another early sign of bed bugs. There are two possible explanations for these stains: After the bug has bitten you and moved on, there may be some blood on your skin that hasn’t dried yet. This can quickly transfer to your sheets.

If you transform or switch positions, you might end up smashing a bug. The blood stain is caused by the bug not fully digesting your blood, causing it to leak onto your sheets.


Bed bugs rely on human blood and are like little vampires, nipping at you while you sleep! They swell as they feed, just like mosquitos. If you keep moving or rollover, your weight may squeeze them like an overfilled bubble. This blood will show up in the form of small spots on your bedsheets, garments, or PJs.


3- Bad Smell Around 

If you start noticing an odd, bad odor around your mattress with no apparent source, you may have a bed bug infestation. Bed bugs begin to emit pheromones as they settle in. This smell varies, with different people reporting different experiences, and is said to smell sweet on occasion.


As the infestation spreads, secretions combine with the odor of crushed bugs and their feces, and the odor becomes unpleasant. Even so, between all of these early warning signs, the odor may be the least reliable. Before assuming that this odor is caused by a bed bug infestation, thoroughly investigate your sleeping environment.


4- Spotting Live Bugs

Because bed bugs are active at night, they are less visible during the day. Bed bug territories will then stay hidden in cracks and along seams. They can penetrate any crack in the depth of a credit card, which is where they spend the majority of their time. You have a problem if you see live bed bugs. Nevertheless, many people often mistake other pests and infestations for bed bugs, so make sure you have termites before you begin treating your home.


Regrettably, seeing live, adult bed bugs or finding their casings are the only way to confirm a bed bug infestation. Here’s a picture of a bed bug so you know what to look for. Live termites are tiny, brown, and resemble the shape of an apple seed. Unfortunately, seeing a live one is all the evidence you need. I strongly advise you to contact pest control or an exterminator right away.


5- Discarded Skin

Bed bugs shed their skin as part of their life cycle. Once cast aside, the skin is brown and is frequently found in areas where bed bugs may be found, such as bed creases, home furnishings seams, and along floorboards. Bed bugs do not hatch fully formed, but instead, develop and shell their outer skin. This is referred to as a husk or shell-casing. The shell casings resemble those of a bedbug, except that they are opaque yellow rather than reddish-brown.


This implies that you have a serious bed bug infestation. Why? Because it means the bed bugs are reproducing!


Where Do They Hide?

Because bed bugs are plain, they can fit into almost any crevice or space. They can stay hidden in your mattress’s creases and within the mattress sheets. However, apart from the bed, bed bugs can be found hiding in the following places:


Headboards – Bed bugs can stay hidden underneath them, on the ceiling, and, if the headboard is made from wood, in cracks. There are also eggs, feces, nymphs, and shed skins to be found.

Behind photo frames – Examine anything that is hung on the wall, particularly above beds, sofas, and chairs, where small insects can congregate. Some of the above-mentioned signs may be on the floor beneath the image.


Electrical sockets – Take off the faceplates and look behind them.


Couches and bar stools – Just because they’re called “bed bugs,” that doesn’t mean they only live in your bed. If you spend quality time in a comfy chair or on the living room sofa, these tiny infestations may be found in the creases and or underneath the pillows.


What To Do Now?

If you notice any (or all!) of the above indicators, it’s time to act. The longer you wait, the more difficult it will be to completely eradicate bed bugs. The infestation will not go away on its own, and they are easily transmitted from one area of your home to another. Contact 1st Choice Pest Control when you’re ready to get rid of bed bugs. We provide cost-effective, eco-friendly in-home pest control services.

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